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====== Aisling Duval ====== {{ :aisling_foto.jpg?nolink&250|}} * **Afiliación** [[el_imperio]] * **Posición** Líder de facción de PowerPlay * **Nacimiento** 3276 (25 años) * **Estado** Viva * **Relaciones** * [[Hengist Duval]] (abuelo) * [[Harold Duval]] (padre) * [[Arissa Lavigny-Duval]] (tía) ===== Biografía ===== Tiene su cuartel general en el sistema [[Cubeo]], aunque nació en [[Cemiess]] en el 3276, nieta del fallecido [[Emperador]] [[Hengist Duval]] e hija mayor del desheredado Príncipe [[Harold Duval]]. Su madre falleció a causa de los narcóticos cuando era muy pequeña, hecho que la marcó profundamente. Se la relaciona sentimentalmente con [[Denton Patreus]] y se les ha visto en público en varias ocasiones. Tuvo pretensiones de ascensión al trono imperial pero tras la decisión del [[senado]] de elegir a [[Arissa Lavingy-Duval]] como [[Emperador]] acabó finalmente por apoyar su elección. Todavía continúa en la línea sucesoria ya que el reconocimiento de [[Arissa Lavigny-Duval|Arissa]] como hija del anterior emperador [[Emperador]] la convierte en sobrina del mismo y sucesora al no haber herederos más directos. Aunque ha emprendido ciertas acciones bélicas su principal ocupación es intentar convencer a la sociedad de que abandone las prácticas esclavistas a través de un movimiento no gubernamental llamado [[Stop Slavery Stupid]] y goza de gran apoyo tanto popular como de las altas esferas de la sociedad ===== Potencia ===== ^Preparación^Expansión^Control^ |{{:ethos_social.png?nolink&50|Fase de componente social}} Social|{{:ethos_finance.png?nolink&50|Fase de componente financiera}} Financiero|{{:ethos_social.png?nolink&50|Fase de componente social}} Social| ===== Citas ===== **06 OCT 3301** Aisling Duval offered her support to the Senate decision to declare Senator Arissa Lavigny-Duval the new Emperor.[3] **04 OCT 3301** Agents of the Imperial Guard and IISS arrested several members of Chancellor Anders Blaine's staff. Blaine said that Princess Aisling Duval's accusation that his staff had links to Emperor's Dawn were true, that members of his staff had been involved in slander against her, and that he took all responsibility and apologised.[6] **02 OCT 3301** In Aisling Duval's own investigation into her advisor Patron Damon Clarke's links to Emperor's Dawn, she revealed that some of Chancellor Anders Blaine's past advisors were connected to the same members of Emperor's Dawn. She did not release her evidence, and Blaine denied all knowledge of any connection.[7] **28 SEP 3301** The Imperial Herald's report of connections between Princess Aisling Duval's office and Emperor's Dawn had a severe impact on her rating, and may have had an impact on her standing with the Senate.[8] **21 SEP 3301** Following remarks by Senator Denton Patreus the previous day, Chancellor Anders Blaine confirmed there would be an investigation into the claimed links between Princess Aisling Duval's office and Emperor's Dawn. The hunt for Patron Damon Clarke, believed by some to have fled the Empire, continued, with some of his associates arrested and questioned. [9] **19 SEP 3301** Aisling Duval released a statemant, saying it came as a "bitter surprise" to learn that any of her "trusted advisors could have conducted business with the animals that murdered the Emperor." She said she would undertake her own investigation into the matter. The whereabouts of Patron Damon Clarke were unknown.[10] **18 SEP 3301** The Imperial Herald published details of alleged links between backers of Aisling Duval and those funding Emperor's Dawn, the rebel group behind the assassination of Emperor Hengist Duval. Patron and industrialist Damon Clarke's company D and C Shipping, Inc. apparently funded and shipped weapons to people now known to be members of Emperor's Dawn.[11] **11 SEP 3301** At a charity event where several dozen slaves were freed, Aisling Duval spoke out about the succession, and claimed to be the natural heir. Her attempt to gloss over the legality of her claim sparked angry rebuttals from legal experts and the camps of the other likely candidates. It seems peculiar that as the closest living relative of our beloved Emperor, I am not involved in the process of selecting his successor. It is even stranger that there is a process at all - after all, I am the natural heir. — Princess Aisling Duval[2] **29 JUL 3301** In an alleged secret recording of a conversation with one of her aides, Princess Aisling Duval questioned the convenience of the Emperor's recovery and the motives of Senator Anders Blaine and others close to the Emperor. An aide of Senator Blaine said an investigation would be carried out. Aisling Duval said the recording was clearly a fabrication and that she would never say "the despicable things portrayed in this horrid fantasy." How is this possible? Am I not the most beloved person in the Empire? This is clear manoeuvring to make sure that Arissa becomes the heir. I can see her annoyingly haughty expression now. That Blaine thinks she will let him carry on doing what he wants. — Alleged recording of Princess Aisling Duval[12] **08 APR 3301** Stop Slavery Stupid and Aisling Duval lost the slavery public support challenge to Senator Zemina Torval's pro-Imperial slavery side. They managed to free 1,149,756 Imperial Slaves, but the Imperial Slavers Association received 2,387,567 Unregulated Slaves for retraining.[13] **01 APR 3301** Stop Slavery Stupid and Aisling Duval's idealogical differences with Senator Zemina Torval came to a head with a public support challenge. Zemina Torval and the Imperial Society would buy unregulated slaves to turn them into Imperial slaves. Stop Slavery Stupid would accept donations of Imperial slaves with the intention of freeing them. If Aisling won, Torval would free all the slaves bought in the course of the challenge. If Torval won, Aisling would take on a personal contingent of Imperial Slaves for no less than one year.[14] **06 MAR 3301** On the Empire’s most-watched reality stream show, Celebrity Pets, Aising Duval made a passionate outburst on the topic of Imperial slavery. She said that the animals on the show, and those in Senator Zemina Torval's personal zoo, were better treated than Imperial slaves. In support of her rhetoric, Stop Slavery Stupid announced a new temporary program of Imperial Slave emancipation and rehabilitation.[4] **08 JAN 3301** Aisling appeared on the popular show “A fireside chat with Serena” and talked about her views on narcotics, and why they should be banned. Her mother died of narcotic use before Aisling was old enough to remember her. When asked about her father, she spoke out against Emperor Hengist Duval and the network cut the broadcast. Oh Serena. He was led astray in his youth, but Dad is a lovely man, and would make a great Emperor if his controlling father wasn’t so spiteful. — Princess Aisling Duval[5] **19 DEC 3300** Her father Harold Duval was declared "not sound of mind" by his father, Emperor Hengist Duval. This removed his claim to the throne, and hence Aisling's after him, meaning there was no clear successor.[15] **18 DEC 3300** Appeared to speak for her father, the heir of the Emperor, against Imperial Slavery.[16] ===== Línea temporal =====

aisling_duval.1449676910.txt.gz · Última modificación: 2017/01/17 22:35 (editor externo)